There is no correlation between violence and depression, according to researchers. Researchers are quick to point out that there is no strong correlation between mental health conditions and violence. They also say that other factors are much more likely to affect if someone is violent in Texas.
Experiencing domestic violence
More than one in three women and one in four men have experienced domestic violence. This type of violence often follows the same cycle, with the perpetrator slapping the abused while drunk or high on drugs. Then, it escalates so that the perpetrator is doing it repeatedly. Finally, there is usually a break in which the perpetrator promises to do better before starting the cycle again.
Childhood abuse
People who were abused as a child are more likely to grow up to commit violent acts. While men who grew up to develop a warm relationship with a significant other were less likely to act violently as an adult, women who suffered violence as a child had a more difficult time overcoming it and often chose antisocial peers and committed more violence as adults.
Socioeconomic stress
Statistics show that people experiencing lower socioeconomic conditions are more violent than those who perceive themselves to live at a higher level. Remember that socioeconomic stress is more than poverty as it encompasses educational attainment, financial security and subjective perceptions of social status and social class. Furthermore, these individuals are less likely to have stable employment, think they will die before age 35 and are more likely to experience PTSD.
Substance abuse
A study of over 54,000 people found that people with a drug use disorder were up to 10 times more likely to commit a violent crime than the general population. Furthermore, it did not matter if their drug of choice was cannabis, hallucinogens, stimulants, opioids or sedatives.
People who are depressed are not more violent, but other factors contribute to the rate of violence. These factors include seeing or experiencing childhood violence or living in a stressful situation.