Your Austin Attorney

Austin Assault Attorneys

Any sort of assault accusation or criminal charge is a serious matter with potentially severe consequences. At Hildreth & Rueda in Austin, our criminal defense attorneys have decades of combined experience. They are dedicated to helping protect the rights, freedom and futures of clients in Central Texas who have been accused of assault crimes.

Types Of Assault Crimes In Texas

Depending on the facts and circumstances of each case, prosecutors can charge assault crimes with varying degrees. In Texas, there are different degrees of assault charges including:

  • Simple assault: when someone recklessly or knowingly threatens or causes injury to another person
  • Aggravated assault: an assault that includes the use of a deadly weapon or force
  • Deadly conduct: an assault charge for behavior that puts another person’s life at risk

Assault charges can be filed as misdemeanors or as more serious felonies. Based on the facts, circumstances and criminal charges, penalties can include serious fines and jail time. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help you get the charges against you reduced, or fight them entirely. At Hildreth & Rueda, we will make sure that you fully understand the charges against you and are aware of all your options. Often, a careful analysis of the facts can reveal details that will be extremely important in building your defense.

Domestic Violence And Assault Charges

There are also specific assault charges for domestic violence concerns involving spouses, romantic partners or children. Typically, when the police are called due to an assault allegation, the accused person is almost always arrested. In addition to immediate consequences, an assault charge can lead to significant penalties such as fines, a jail sentence, probation and restraining orders, especially if the assault charges are related to a domestic situation. In the long run, a misdemeanor or felony conviction will likely impact your ability to obtain employment, housing, loans, child custody or school admission, and it may affect other important areas of your life. Assault and domestic violence charges can also affect your ability to own a firearm.

Call An Assault Defense Attorney Today

Our firm offers a free, initial consultation appointment. Call 512-415-7648 or reach out to us online to arrange your free initial consultation with an experienced Austin assault defense lawyer. We provide representation across the entire Georgetown area. We also accept credit cards and offer payment plans. Se habla español.