Your Austin Attorney

Probation Violations Could Mean The Revocation Of Your Probation

In the state of Texas, probation usually includes a long list of conditions. If you violate your conditions of probation, your probation could be revoked, and you could find yourself in a probation revocation hearing. Our experienced Austin criminal defense attorneys at Hildreth & Rueda have more than 30 years of combined experience between them. They can represent you if you are facing probation revocation.

What Is Probation In The State Of Texas?

In the state of Texas, probation is the same as community supervision. There are two types of community supervision: standard probation (or regular community supervision) and deferred adjudication. Both probation and deferred adjudication allow defendants the opportunity to avoid jail time for their crimes.

What Are The Reasons Probation Would Be Revoked In Texas?

If you violate any conditions of your probation, your probation can be revoked. A judge will almost always order that a condition of your probation is that you cannot commit any new crimes. One of the most common violations of probation is criminal activity and new charges against you. Other examples of probation violations can include:

  • Failing a drug or alcohol test when you were ordered to stay sober
  • Failing to complete a chemical dependency program that you were ordered to complete
  • Failing to complete community service within the time you were ordered to do so
  • Failing to appear in court or meet with your probation officer when you were scheduled to do so

If your original sentence was probated by the judge to deferred adjudication, and you violate a condition of your release, then the judge will also proceed to sentence you for your original crime.

What Happens If Probation Is Revoked?

As part of probation, the judge will typically order a stay of your sentence. In other words, as long as you complete the terms of your probation, you will not have to go to jail. If your probation is revoked, you will most likely have to complete the sentence that was originally ordered. A warrant will be issued for your arrest and you will have to report to jail.

Facing Probation Revocation? Call Us Today For A Free Consultation.

Our criminal defense attorneys have decades of experience. If you are facing the revocation of your probation, reach out to our office today to schedule a free consultation appointment. You can reach us by calling 512-415-7648 or by sending us an email through our online form.