Clearing Your Criminal Record: Obtaining An Expunction In Texas
We do not need to be defined by our past mistakes. That’s why our criminal defense law firm in Austin, Hildreth & Rueda, helps clients throughout Central Texas who would like to expunge their criminal records. By filing a petition for an Expunction of Arrest Records, you can ask the court for an Order of Expunction to erase your criminal record. If you are interested in clearing your criminal record, our Austin expunction attorneys have decades of combined experience in criminal law.
What Exactly Is An Expunction?
In the state of Texas, misdemeanor and felony convictions will normally remain a part of your permanent criminal history forever. An expunction essentially removes any information about an arrest, criminal charges or an actual conviction from a person’s permanent criminal record or history. If you are granted an order for expunction, your criminal history relating to the arrest or conviction will be erased or destroyed. If you are ever asked about the expunged charges, you can legally deny that they existed.
The Expunction Process Can Be Confusing
If you are found not guilty of a charge or charges you were facing, you could qualify for an expunction of the charges. Furthermore, if the charges you were facing are dismissed – depending on the reason for the dismissal – your record could be subject to expunction. There are many other circumstances you may apply for expunction, including:
- An acquittal by the trial court
- An acquittal on appeal at the Court of Criminal appeals
- Pardon by Texas’ governor
- Pardon by the U.S. president
This is not an exhaustive list. Filing a petition for an expunction is subject to certain qualifications and the statute of limitations. Depending on the nature of the charge, these time limits vary. Expunction is an intricate process. It is best to seek the assistance of an experienced defense attorney to be sure you do not miss the opportunity of expunction.
How Is An Order For Nondisclosure Different Than Expunction?
In the event you were granted a deferred adjudication, you are not eligible for an expunction but you may seek an order for nondisclosure instead. An order for nondisclosure will essentially seal your related case records. Government agencies will still have access to your criminal history, but they will not be allowed to disclose it to third parties.
Call Our Austin Expunction Attorneys Today
Our experienced criminal defense attorneys offer a free, initial consultation to answer your questions and explain the process. Call our office today at 512-415-7648 or send an email through our website to schedule your free appointment and find out if you are eligible to pursue an order for expunction or nondisclosure.