Protecting People’s Records From Public Intoxication Charges
Nobody anticipates the complications that can come with a public intoxication arrest. If you find yourself facing public intoxication charges, you might brush them off and assume your problems will go away after paying a fine. But these charges can leave a lasting mark on your life.
At Hildreth & Rueda, our Austin DWI attorneys understand how serious public intoxication charges can be. With over 20 years of combined criminal defense experience, we have seen how one mistake can change everything, and we work hard to help our clients avoid a criminal record. If you have been arrested for public intoxication, let’s find a way to keep your record clean.
What Is Public Intoxication?
In Texas, the law is clear: you may face public intoxication charges if you are found in a public place while intoxicated to the degree that you could endanger yourself or others. While public intoxication is a misdemeanor offense, a conviction could have an outsize influence on the rest of your life.
Being arrested for public intoxication means you could be taken to jail immediately. If you are convicted of your charges, you could face a fine of up to $500 – and a permanent entry on your criminal record. Having a criminal record can affect your future employment, education and even housing opportunities. As DWI lawyers, we are here to ensure that one mistake doesn’t define your future.
Talk With A Travis County Lawyer Now
Arrested for public intoxication? Don’t wait. Taking action now can make all the difference in your case and your life. Contact Hildreth & Rueda today for a free consultation.
Our DWI lawyers speak Spanish and are committed to serving the diverse Austin community. Reach out to us by phone at 512-415-7648 or by email.